品牌:RETZ/我們一直致力于流體控制和測控領域的持續創新,始于2005……電動調節閥結構特性:二通/三通分流/三通合流 Structure: two-way / three-way diversion / three-way confluence
采用夾緊式連接快速安裝,可與西門子驅動器兼容,廣泛應用于水處理,工業加工、暖通采暖、中央空調、鍋爐、熱交換系統或空調箱蒸汽系統中,可對系統中的介質進行流量調節 retz The imported electric control valve adopts a clamp type connection for quick installation and is compatible with Siemens drivers. It is widely used in water treatment, industrial processing, HVAC, central air conditioning, boilers, heat exchange systems, or air conditioning box steam systems, and can adjust the flow of the medium in the system
進口電動調節閥技術參數 Technical paramete
電動調節閥應用在暖通空調系統中,在能量的輸配和維持水循環系統的水力平衡方面起到非常重要的作用。主要配合末端執行機構,從控制系統接收控制信號和調節閥桿的信號值,而執行器則根據信號值調節閥門開度,改變管網系統的流量 Electric control valve is used in HVAC system, which plays a very important role in energy transmission and distribution and maintaining the hydraulic balance of water circulation system. It mainly cooperates with the end effector to receive the control signal from the control system and adjust the signal value of the valve rod, while the actuator adjusts the valve opening according to the signal value to change the flow of the pipe network system
進口電動調節閥性能特點∶ Performance characteristics
等百分比控制特性,比傳統的調節閥體控制精度高 Equal percentage control characteristic, higher control accuracy than traditional regulating valve body
電子預設定功能,便于現場調試,系統運行具有更高的效率 Electronic preset function, convenient for on-site debugging, and higher efficiency of system operation
具有故障自動診斷和報警功能,電源帶過載保護功能 With automatic fault diagnosis and alarm function, the power supply has overload protection function
具有V型密封圈和不銹鋼彈簧自補償功能,耐磨性更高,延長使用壽命 With V-shaped sealing ring and stainless steel spring self compensation function, it has higher wear resistance and longer service life
閥體材質 :QT450球墨鑄鐵,304不銹鋼閥芯閥桿,V型免維護補償密封 Valve body material: QT450 ductile iron, 304 stainless steel valve core and stem, V-type maintenance free compensation seal
連接口徑 :F1-1/2"~8"(法蘭連接)Connection diameter: f1-1 / 2 "~ 8" (flange connection)
閥體承壓 :1.6MPa Pressure bearing of valve body: 1.6Mpa
密封材質 :EPDM密封 Sealing material: EPDM seal
介質溫度 :0~95℃ Medium temperature: 0 ~ 95 ℃
工作介質 :冷/熱水或30%乙二醇溶液 Working medium: cold / hot water or 30% ethylene glycol solution
流量特性 :等百分比;閥泄漏率:小于KVS值的0~0.05% Flow characteristics: equal percentage; Valve leakage rate: less than 0 ~ 0.05% of kVs value
驅動材質 :壓鑄合金鋁支架,鋼質傳動齒輪,同步馬達,浮動式開關 Driving material: die casting alloy aluminum bracket, steel transmission gear, synchronous motor, floating switch
工作電源 :AC24V/AC220V 50/60Hz Working power supply: AC24V / AC220V 50 / 60Hz
驅動控制 :浮點型,智能型(DC0~10V/4~20mA),溫控一體型(帶485通信,空調主機聯動),開關型,選配無源反饋 Drive control: floating point type, intelligent type (dc0 ~ 10V / 4 ~ 20mA), temperature control integrated type (with 485 communication, linkage of air conditioning host), switch type, optional passive feedback
輸出扭力 :1200N~5000N,帶斷電手動開關功能 Output torque: 1200n ~ 5000n, with power-off manual switch function
安裝說明 Installation instructions
1.注意閥門介質流向應與管路介質流向一致 Note: the flow direction of valve medium shall be consistent with that of pipeline medium
2.閥門可以安裝在供水或回水管路上,一般推薦安裝在回水管路上(安裝在回水管路上可以使水流控制更為平穩,同時熱水回水部分的溫度較低,可延長閥門使用壽命),同時推薦在閥門前安裝過濾器和止回閥。當介質為蒸汽時,管道上安裝排水閥,可以除去凝結水,否則將影響閥門使用壽命 The valve can be installed on the water supply or return pipeline. It is generally recommended to install it on the return pipeline (the installation on the return pipeline can make the water flow control more stable, and the temperature of the hot water return part is low, which can prolong the service life of the valve). At the same time, it is recommended to install a filter and a check valve in front of the valve. When the medium is steam, a drain valve is installed on the pipeline to remove the condensed water, otherwise the service life of the valve will be affected
3.注意閥門安裝方向 Pay attention to the installation direction of the valve
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